Rehabilitation & Conservation Award

For projects which promote the conservation and rehabilitation of historic building/s towards its adaptive reuse.  Each nomination should show that through sensitive interventions, the historical integrity of the building and the legibility of its original design are enhanced. The project needs to clearly highlight how the adaptive reuse of the existing building/s was carried out and what interventions were made for the property to meet contemporary requirements while retaining its historic character.

Submit your work

Eligibility Criteria

  • Submissions can only be made by a local warranted Perit or a practicing firm of architects;
  • The projects must have been completed and commissioned over the past 5 years.

Compulsory Entry Requirements

  • An abstract of the project describing the design concept intention, also supported by a statement outlining the purpose for which the project is intended and why the project is being submitted as an entry for the particular selected category.
  • A 1:500 block plan with the project centred on it;
  • Entries should submit an approved Restoration Method Statement and any ensuing addenda;
  • Summary of the adaptive reuse and what interventions were carried out to the building;
  • Documentation from the project lifespan showing a sound understanding of the history of the building, what conservation materials and technologies were utilised, and the different specialisations involved;
  • What clear measures were taken to reduce the project’s overall environmental impact and how well were these measures carried out.
  • Photos of the building in its wider context, showing how the project has positively contributed to its surroundings (before and after). Aerial photos will be considered an asset;
  • Photos of the completed project.


The jury has the prerogative to honour a Sustainability Award to any of the submitted projects. The project must clearly demonstrate a profound commitment to sustainable design principles, balancing environmental, social, and economic needs while minimizing the project’s ecological footprint. It celebrates innovation in creating resilient, energy-efficient, and resource-conscious buildings that integrate seamlessly into their context and positively impact the environment and community. (Including but not limited to adaptive reuse of existing structures or materials, Offsetting embodied carbon through design strategies or certification systems, life cycle thinking and designs that prioritizes biodiversity corridors or urban greenery.)

Judging Criteria

Form – Did the rehabilitation/conservation project through its materiality, shape and detailing, retain and complement, the original building?

Function – Is the present use of the building compatible with the history, form and fabric of the original building? Following the completion of the project, is the rehabilitated building working well for its present use?

Authenticity and integrity – Did the intervention/s carried out in this project respect, or complement, the building authenticity and integrity? Have works respected conservation ethics, values, and conservation principles?

Impact: Did the rehabilitation/conservation project allow the building to positively impact its physical context and respond better in its relationship to its surroundings? and has the project, including the reconstruction of missing features, and/or new additions on the whole building achieved a long-term positive aesthetic impact?

Methodology and materials – Have the methodology and materials chosen adhere to the principles of compatibility and reversibility? Is there sufficient evidence of background research, diagnosis and documentation? While respecting traditional materials and techniques has there been an effort to combine these with a fresh approach including more innovative, but still ethically sound methods?