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General Conditions


All submissions in any category must have been carried out within the Maltese Islands.

Registration and Payment must be made online. Entries will not be accepted without payment.

Entrants will receive confirmation that their entry or entries have been successfully received via email once payment has been made. No other payment method will be accepted except at the discretion of the Planning Authority.

An entry may be submitted in a maximum of two categories as long as they meet the specific category description and criteria. Each category entry is a separate unique submission; independent of any other entry even if of the same work.

In categories where a development permission exists related to the project, only the Perit or his/her firm may submit the project for an award, unless the entrant presents a clearance letter from the same Perit.

An entry fee of €140* for each project submitted will be charged for the first category submittal and €90 for an additional category submittal of the same project. An early bird offered and will be applicable up to Friday 28th February 2025.

For the early bird period the submission entry fee will be €100 for the first category submission and €65 for the additional category.

* Students applying for the Outstanding Student project Award will be charged €25.00.

Where applicable online submission requirements should include:

  • The project entry name; site location and planning permit number;
  • Name of Perit/architectural firm/interior designer/studio responsible for the design and implementation of the project; warrant number of the Perit;
  • An abstract of the project in English, describing the architect’s design concept intention, also supported by a statement outlining the purpose for which the project is intended and why the project is being submitted as an entry for the particular selected category. This statement should be concise and should not exceed 350 words;
  • A brief history of the site and any planning constraints that had to be overcome or taken into account in achieving the final design;
  • A 1:500 block plan with the project centred on it;
  • A minimum of 10 photos (resolution 600dpi) of the completed project. The name of the entrant should not feature on the photos;
  • A maximum of 10 drawings, sketches and diagrams (in pdf format) showing the whole process of the project from concept to the final stage. The name of the entrant should not feature on the drawings or diagrams;
  • A minimum of 10 sets of photographs showing the before and after of different viewpoints of the site. The photos (before and after) should be taken from similar angles;
  • A minimum of 3 photographs of the building in its wider context.


The filenames of all the uploaded images and documentations must carry the following format:

<Name of Project>_Completed_01

<Name of Project>_before_01

<Name of Project>_after_01

<Name of Project>_wider_01

Incomplete entries will not be accepted. No changes will be allowed by the submitter after the submission deadline.

Every entry will be given the opportunity to deliver a 5 minute presentation to the jury.

Previously awarded projects may not be re-submitted.

Fees & Payment

An entry fee of €140* for each project submitted will be charged for the first category submittal and €90 for an additional category submittal of the same project. An early bird offered and will be applicable up to Friday 25th February 2025.  For the early bird period the submission entry fee will be €100 for the first category submission and €65 for the additional category.

* Students applying for the Architecture Student project Award will be charged €25.00.

Why you should showcase your projects ... with the chance to win

  • Boosts morale in your team;
  • Valuable experience of overcoming the challenge of putting your story out there;
  • Gives you credibility within the industry;
  • Fantastic platform for all things marketing – exposure, brand development, advertising and endorsement.

The MASP Awards have become a prestigious calendar event for the architecture and interior design industry. Winners are given a year-long window of exposure and publicity through various TV programmes, social media posts, newspaper and magazine articles, outdoor exhibition and a high quality coffee-table publication.   Every category award winner will also be presented with a framed certificate and a distinct and elegant trophy designed and produced by Contemporary modern artist Kane Cali. A commemorative bronze plaque will also be presented to the owners of the property for which the award was given.



Opening of Submissions

Monday 24th February 2025: Early Bird offer to close on: 28th February 2025:

Closing of Submissions

Wednesday 26th March 2025

Jury Sessions

19th - 23rd May 2025

Public Voting

12th May - 30th May 2025

Award Ceremony


Adjudication Committee

  • The adjudicating jury will be made up of a minimum of six (6) persons including the Chairperson.
  • The adjudicating jury decision is final with no appeals will be entertained.
  • Each member of the adjudicating jury will agree to a non-disclosure agreement and declaration of no interest as a condition of acceptance.
  • Every member shall be duty-bound to abstain from sitting on the adjudicating jury or to attend any meeting in which s/he may have a conflict of interest.
  • The jury may request a site visit to any project it may deem necessary. Entrants are to notify property owners of this possible eventuality.
  • The jury reserves the right to consider a submitted project in a category other than the category the project was originally entered into.
  • The jury cannot award a project for more than one category.
  • The jury has the prerogative to honour a Sustainability Award to any one of the submitted projects.
  • The jury reserves the right not to award any category should the judging panel reach an agreement that none of the submissions meets the required standards.

Terms and Conditions

The material submitted by any entries may be displayed at an exhibition organiser by the Authority.

The Authority reserves the right to make use of all photography, drawings and other information submitted by an entrant for any publicity and promotional purposes related to the Awards. Entrants by way of their submission are giving the organisers the right to reproduce any of the material in whole or in part without payment of copyright.

Applicants represent and warrant that all materials submitted will not infringe or constitute a misappropriation of any right of any third party, including any copyrights or confidentiality rights and agree to protect the Planning Authority against any liabilities, damages, losses, costs or expenses arising as a result thereof.

Any entrant who upon registration enters false information may result in disqualification.