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Coffee table books have something magical about them. There’s something truly irresistible about an oversized, hardcover book crammed with stunning photos and given pride of place in your office or living room. As beautiful as they are, they are not just about aesthetics, they inspire, educate and carry knowledge. The publications are a collaboration between the Kite Publishers and the Planning Authority.

Edition 1 – 2019 Malta Architecture and Spatial Planning Awards

Specifications: 325 x 240mm | 256 pgs | Hardback + Jacket
Published: 2020

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Edition 2 – 2020 Malta Architecture and Spatial Planning Awards

Specifications: 325 x 240 mm | 340 pgs | Hardback + Jacket
Published: 2021

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Edition 3 – 2021 Malta Architecture and Spatial Planning Awards

Specifications: 325 x 240 mm | 230 pgs | Hardback + Jacket
Published: 2022

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Edition 4 – 2022 Malta Architecture and Spatial Planning Awards

Specifications: 325 x 240 mm | 352 pgs | Hardback + Jacket
Published: 2023

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